South Kazakh University
About College
SKSU is the largest regional university of Kazakhstan and is traditionally the leading one in Kazakhstan HEIs rating.The University offers 85 bachelor programmes in education, law, social sciences, business science, humanitarian, engineering and technological specialities, art and culture. Now more than 17600(full, part and distant) students study in the university, including foreign students from China, Russian Federation, Turkey, South Korea, Syria, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan. The instruction is carried out in three languages Kazakh, Russian and English by 1675 highly qualified academic staff. The educational process is carried out according to the credit technology basis providing the students with individual strategy of training, a lot of elective courses and variety in programs. The result is absolutely great: all the graduates of SKSU are highly demanded at the labour market. The staff of SKSU effectively introduces into the teaching process innovation approaches, new ways and methods of teaching. The human resources of SKSU are really competent.Several study programmes in engineering have been accredited by European Accreditation Agency for study programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics: ASIIN. As the result, graduates of accredited programmes get diploma with special quality mark- Eurobachelor label.